
Welcome! My name is Jason and I’m a web developer and coding bootcamp tutor based in the greater-Seattle area. While I'm relatively newer to web development, I find immense satisfaction in it due to the never-ending challenges and how rewarding it is to overcome those challenges and build solutions to unique problems that help make life more efficient, enjoyable and profitable.

Prior to my decision to become a developer, most of my work background was in account management and client service. I've always enjoyed the chance to work with clients in service-oriented roles as it has allowed me to hone my people skills and become a better teacher and listener, but often I would find myself at the intersections where client service and technology meet, and eventually my technical and creative curiosty led me to the realization that I would like to dedicate my career to learning more about technology, becoming a better programmer and helping to bridge the gap between tech and non-tech environments. I'm driven to learning new things and better methods and it's exciting knowing that there's endless knowledge and opportunities to explore in the realm of web and software development.

When I’m not programming, you can probably find me reading graphic novels or sci-fi/fantasy books, hiking, playing music or trying to learn a new board game. Please reach out if you have any questions, would just like to chat, or have any projects you would like to team-up on. Cheers!

Projects and Samples


Github repo

  • Next.js
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Styled Components
  • CSS
  • Prism React Renderer
  • Sanity CMS
  • Vercel

My personal blog, primarily covering topics related to web development and programming. Features are fairly simple right now but the site allows you to toggle night/day mode and filter blog posts by topic.

Screenshot of my blog

Rob's Burgers

Github repo

  • Next.js
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Styled Components
  • CSS
  • Sanity CMS
  • Netlify

This is a template website I'm developing for restaurants and other businesses that sell foodstuffs (because how often do you encounter great mom-and-pop restaurants with terrible or no website?!). The theme for this demo site is drawn from a fictional mustachio'd burger man and his family burger establishment.

Screenshot of a hamburger restaurant menu Screenshot of the order/cart page

Web Development Reference

Github repo

  • Gatsby
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Styled Components
  • CSS
  • Prism React Renderer
  • Sanity CMS
  • Netlify

A reference guide and cheat sheet, primarily aimed toward newer web developers, students of coding bootcamps, and myself when I come down with a case of the forgets.

Screenshot of site Table of Contents Screenshot of example section of site Screenshot of example section table

Log and Learn

Github repo

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Express/Node
  • MongoDB/Mongoose
  • RESTful API
  • Mocha
  • Chai/Chai-http
  • TravisCI
  • Heroku

A simple and easy-to-use learning aid that allows users to record log entries that detail reflections and progress made when learning a new subject. Each log entry can be categorized under a specific type of post (e.g. Concepts, Questions, Needs Improvement, etc.), which allows for easy organization and filtering.

Screenshot of Log and Learn application View Logs page

Clash for the Cup

Github repo

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • React Router
  • Express/Node
  • MongoDB/Mongoose
  • RESTful API
  • axios
  • Mocha
  • Chai/Chai-http
  • Enzyme
  • Jest
  • Styled Components
  • TravisCI
  • Heroku

Create your own golfing leagues and compete against your friends and social groups. Establish points for custom criteria and accomplishments achieved during each round played. Battle your opponents to try and earn the most points during a season (for fellow golfers, think Fed-Ex Cup® points on the PGA Tour®) while incentivizing yourself to continuously improve your game!

Screenshot of Clash for the Cup application Create League page Screenshot of Clash for the Cup application View/Edit Round page

Recipe Revelation

Github repo

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • External API Integration

NOTE: The API that I used for this project (Yummly) is no longer active so the site will probably no longer work like it's supposed to. I intend to refactor the site to use Zomato's recipe API.

A reverse-recipe finder that allows you to find popular online recipes by searching for specific ingredients. Great for anybody that's ever wondered what meals can be made from the ingredients available in the kitchen, or just for uninspired chefs that want to find new and creative recipes consisting of particular ingredients. The site is powered by Yummly.com's recipe APIs.

Screenshot of Recipe Revelation recipe results page

Collapsable React Table

Github repo

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Faker.js

I decided to build this because wanted to get some practice making a table in React with "fancy" features like static headers and collapsable rows for related groups of data (in this case, dates). I didn't use any table or style libraries; everything is built from basic React, HTML, CSS and I also used Faker.js to generate the dummy data.

A screenshot of my fancy React.js table A screenshot of my fancy React.js table with the most the section for the more recent date collapsed A screenshot of my fancy React.js table sorted from old to new with the section for the most recent date collapsed


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